As your Guitar Tutor I consider it my duty to teach you how to use the musical tool of your choice i.e. the guitar, so that you can play the music of your choice.
If you are a classical music/guitar buff I suggest you look elsewhere. My interest and area of expertise is in contemporary guitar, guitar as it is played today.
As your tutor I suggest that you learn to read music, music theory, chord scale relationships etc as applied to modern musical situations. Most of all a thorough knowledge of the guitar fingerboard will place you in good stead for a lifetime of development. Thousands of guitarists have come before us over hundreds of years. It is their knowledge and experience that is passed on by the experienced and enthusiastic guitar tutor.
Quoting Charlie Parker (Jazz Saxophonist):
"One, master your instrument.
Two, master your music.
Three, forget all that and just play."
Quoting Tommy Emanuel (When asked by Richard Wilkins what advice would he give to a budding young guitarist he replied...):
“Get a good teacher, learn to read, and be influenced by as many different types of music as possible.”
1974 - 1978, Victoria:
- Brashes Music Frankston
Guitar Tutor - 3 years
Musical Director Ian Grattidge
- Peninsular Boys Grammar Mount Eliza
Guitar Tutor - 3 years
Musical Director John Kirkham
- Toorak College Girls School Mount Eliza
Guitar Tutor - 3 years
Musical Director Miss Woods
- Stellar Maris Girls School Frankston
Guitar Tutor - 6 months
Musical Director Ms Strickland
- Adult Education Classes at Peninsula Boys Grammar and Toorak College
1978 - 1982, Victoria:
- Private Tuition Frankston
Guitar Tutor - 4 years
- Yamaha Music School Dandenong
Guitar Tutor - 3 years
Musical Director Margaret Meares/Hill
- Pines Estate Resource Centre
Guitar Tutor - 2 years
Coordinator Wayne Hoare
- Mount Martha Adult Education
Guitar Tutor - 2 years
Coordinator Jocelyn Kennedy
- Adult Education Classes at Peninsula Boys Grammar and Toorak College
1982 - Present, Western Australia:
- Private Tuition Gosnells
Guitar Tutor - Since 1982
- Highway Music School Victoria Park
Guitar Tutor - 12 years
Musical Director Noelene Ketterer/Beacham
- Yamaha Music School Rockingham
Guitar Tutor - 5 years
Coordinator/Principal Teacher Lisa Bennett
- Roleystone Primary School
Guitar Tutor - 1 year
School Principal David Allen
- Armadale Police & Citizens Youth Club
Guitar Tutor- 5 years
Coordinator Constable Andy Taylor